Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Never say never.. about your dog.

I remember always saying that I never wanted a yappy dog.  The first dog we got was a miniature poodle and she was yappy but we got her at 7 years old and thought that it was the way she was raised before we got her...  Then along came Tinka, who we got as a tiny puppy and guess what, she's a yappy little girl as well.. so I guess it wasn't the previous owner's fault after all..

MMM... who said that food that is good for you can't taste good?

Nice full-bodied chili, salad and butternut squash.. mmmm. All from scratch.

Spring.. where art thou?

This is supposed to be spring.. well, I guess it is because my flowers are starting to bloom but brrr.. it's cold today.  Yesterday was a busy day for me, I decided I had better get my huge amount of  seeds started for when we get our hothouse and raised gardens started.  We got a seed starter kit that holds 72 of those little seed starter pods, etc. so I spent the afternoon planting seeds into them and finally got them done.  The hothouse was fairly cheap so I don't know if it will last past the season (it's a pop-up type and we are going to put it up soon).  I would love to do away with my  regular flower beds, especially the heart shaped one that is goes down into the ditch because it's so hard to weed it especially with my bad back.  But we'll see if I can talk Ron into it later.

These are my first flowers...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Home is All in Your Mind

They say that you can never go home again.  But I wonder if home ever was, or, if it's all in your mind.  I can't seem to get a clear overview of back then.  I remember snippets of my childhood... making mud pies on old pieces of broken dishes and decorating them with wild flowers. In my mind's eye they were the most beautiful things created.  And I guess they were because they combined natures flawless beauty with a child's imagination.  But, looking back, I wonder how my mother saw me that day as I came into the house covered in mud and smeared with dandelion sap?  My poor mother, I can't even imagine having 13 children to raise [14 if you count our brother Ralph who died as an infant].   The endless washing, cooking, cleaning she must have done.

I also recall climbing out of bed as a very young girl before anyone else and going to the garden my mother and father planted to watch the sun rise.  I can see clearly the dew on the leaves of the plants and a light mist that kissed the ground.  I don't know what possessed me to rise so early being that I wasn't a morning person.  It was the first and last time that I had done that.

I have wanted to plant a vegetable garden for a long time, perhaps to recapture that early morning stroll through dew kissed plants.  Who knows?