Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A sad goodbye.

Ron's 21 month old grandson died yesterday.  It was so sad but at the same time was a relief that he's finally at peace. 

RIP little Charlie.

Growing up

I had a doctor's appointment today for a followup on the fact that I had increased my dosage of Victoza the last time from .6 mg to 1.2 mg, so it's been doubled.  I still haven't started to lose weight again but good news is that my blood sugars are back down into the normal range.  Normal is below 7 and my readings on my A1C's were 6.4, down from my last readings which were 6.9 so they were on the verge of being over normal.  So that gave me some comfort. 

I told Michelle, the nurse who has been with me during this whole process and who is a nurse practitioner, that I'm unsure what I should do, whether I should increase the Victoza again to the highest dosage of 1.8 [which will be very expensive] or stay on the dosage I'm on now and see if I can get my head in the right place to start eating right.  She told me it's entirely up to me whether I should do that or not but that I'm on the injections mainly for my blood sugars and that it is doing the job because my blood sugars are perfectly normal.  She also said that I'm being too hard on myself and that I know what to do because I've done it before and that is to get my eating back on track. 

I agree that it's something that I have to work out in my head and that the Victoza is not going to do it for me, I have to do the work.  I also feel like there is a weight lifted off of my shoulders because, even though I'm not eating properly, the medication is working and imagine how much better it will work once I take control of my life again.  Losing the weight isn't the end of it, it's just the beginning because the rest of my life I will have to be diligent to maintain the weight loss because I know how easy it is to slip back into the old habits and to put the weight back on before you know it, even to the point of gaining more weight.

I know that I don't have to rush to take the weight off today because it took me 60 years to put it on and what makes me think that I could take it off in a couple of months?  Pretty arrogant I'd say.. lol.   I've been struggling since I came off of the clinical study with my cravings and my mind set that I'm somehow entitled to eat whatever I want.  Crazy thinking that I've been trying hard to overcome.  In a way it was a mixed blessing that the first injections worked so well so quickly because I've been expecting these ones to do the same so that I don't even have to try.. well it's been a rude awakening but a learning experience as well.  I don't know, I may finally be growing up, maybe?

Monday, May 02, 2011

Stay Below the Radar

Over the last few days something rotten is afoot and as we all know, rotten feet can be quite unpleasant.  You see, it's election day in Canada today and the political parties are trying to vie for our votes.  We got a call a couple of days ago when I was at work from the Conservatives wanting to verify that I gave them permission to put a sign on our lawn.  Ron told them that he was sure that I would not do that but they said for me to call them back as soon as I got home from work because they have word that I had given said permission in a phone call.

Now Ron is aware that I would rather have bamboo shoots under the finger nails than have a Conservative sign even within sight of our home.  But I called them as soon as I came through the door and said "No, under no circumstances would I want their sign on my lawn!!"

Well, as we are aware, the Conservatives don't like to admit that they have made a mistake so I am now in their radar and on their list for "special" treatment.   Multiple times a day I have been getting spam phone calls from Stevie and his cronies because they believe I'm so in love with him and want him to continue his dictatorship.  I have also received flyers every day addressed to me personally from the sleaze.. I feel so dirty!!  

So Canada, please, please, please get it right this time and vote in someone, anyone else, than Stephan Harper!!  But do vote, because if you don't, than they will win and we will lose.  Also, vote smart, if there is a close race between a Conservative and another candidate, vote the one that has a chance of gaining a seat over the Cons... Let his reign of terror finally come to an end!