Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cats.. gotta love'em

You gotta love cats.. how, when you move in for a snuggle, they make little chirping sounds in the back of their throats, and head butt you, then touch noses.  And when you go to walk away you notice, out of the corner of your eye, that they are cleaning every place on their body where your hands happened to touch them.

Monday, February 03, 2014

Enough is Never Enough

Enough is Never Enough

In this money driven world
Where happiness is supposed to come
From the accumulation of wealth, and instead
Feeds the insane hunger
Where enough is never enough.

Where the throw-away society
Strips our earth
And strips our very souls
Of the true wealth,
Our very humanity.

Where Government corruption
And Corporate greed
Drives the few
In their golden carriages
Over the many.
Where the streets are paved
With the poor.

Where enough is never enough.
Where the evil of money
Plummets us towards
The abyss of swirling destruction

Where slavery to the imaginary dollar
Drives us to an early grave
For what?

So that we can line the pockets
Of the rich, while our earth
Caves inward from the pollution?
From the oppression?
From the bone crushing debt?

The true insanity
Where the earth finally dies
And the person
With the biggest cars,
The biggest mansions
And the biggest bank account

How can this be considered sane?
How can this be considered desirable?
Why are these people running our world?
Why aren't our voices being heard?
How did it get so out of whack?

How can we,
As a sane, caring people
Of this bountiful, beautiful
Wondrous earth
Pull ourselves upwards and
Back from the downward pull?
How can we reclaim
And reconnect with nature?

How can we disconnect
From what has become "normal"?
How can we take the blinders off
And truly see?

When will we pull back the curtain
And see money for what it really is?
A chain connected to the
Giant machine of oppression!

What would it feel like
To be free?
To have a world without money?
To respect the earth,
To let it heal itself
And continue to provide us
With what we need
Not what we want?

What would it feel like,
To feed the world easily
To return humanity
It's pride
It's joy
It's respect
It's love and light?

What would it be like,
To have a society
Where every man
Where every woman
Where every child
Feels like they belong?
Where they can contribute
To the betterment of all?
Where they count?

What would the world feel like
If the other is viewed as the insanity
And a free world would be considered
The norm?
How would that feel?

-Kathryn DesRoches