Well, here I sit, awaiting my pain meds to alternately relieve my pain and stop making me nauseous, a delicate balancing act. I awoke yesterday morning with excruciating pain in my left shoulder. Thinking it might just be that I slept on it wrong, I awaited the abatement of the pain to no avail. So off to the emergency room to see a doctor. Not a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon, rocking, holding my arm trying to ease the pain, counting down the minutes, then hours, until I got to see the doctor. Turns out I have calcium buildup in my rotator cuff (not the first time, by the way). So the doctor suggested I have a cortisone shot to which I replies, "Yes please, and NOW." This brings to mind the thought I had a few years ago that I didn't want to have cortisone shots because they aren't good for you. Also, she gave me a really strong pain killer which is something else I was strongly against in the past. But as I was writhing in pain, I could have been told that drinking cat piss would have given me some relief and I would have said, pass me the straw.
I have a family member who is in chronic pain and is on a lot of pain meds. I can remember sitting atop my twin steeds named High and Mighty, looking down my nose at my sibling and shaking my head at his weakness and thinking if only he could have some will power. Well yesterday, I came crashing down to earth on my bad shoulder and got impaled with some shards of sympathy and understanding. Limping a mile in someone else's shoes is very humbling