Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Yesterday was my niece's wedding.. they were going to have it on the beach but it rained.. hard... and it was cold.. so they had it in a shelter.. and then there was a beautiful double rainbow... a good sign I would say... they also had a sand ceremony where they poured sand from two single jars into a large jar and the mingling of the sand represented their union in marriage ...

Then everyone went to their house for a reception.. and while there I was talking to one of my sisters about my other sister's son (she has two sons whose names start with "A" so sometimes I get them mixed up).... I got an invitiation to A#1's wedding and my sister said did you hear A#2's engaged?.. I said you mean A#1.. and she said no, I meant A#2.. *now I was confused because A#2's gay* and I opened my mouth and said "Is he engaged to a guy?"... well duh... I felt like rewinding the last two minutes and starting over again... color me embarrased...

BTW I have no idea if she liked the painting because she didn't open her gifts while I was there...

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