I know .. I have few enough so it's not good to be wasting them.. but TV sucks the big one tonight and I've lost my taste for Poser for a while... I've been downloading so much stuff for my Poser program that if I don't stop my brand new computer will grind to a halt because it will be so jammed full of "stuff"...
The above picture is of a sewing/craft centre that R got me a couple of weeks ago.. he got me a sewing machine before Xmas because he was tired of having his pant cuffs dragging on the floor and his mother lives too far away to take the pants over to her.. That unit is really neat, the front, big door swings open and there's a leaf hanging down on the left of the unit that lifts up and the door, when fully open, goes under it to hold it up making a large work surface... the smaller door opens to reveal three shelves and there is a large shelf behind the large door to place your sewing machine... over all a great piece so furniture and the beauty of it is that you can close it all up when you're done and wheel it out of the way...
I finally got the sewing machine to work properly and I was even able to hem some blue jeans.. they are the worst things to hem because they are so damned thick!!! And I got a huge pile of pants hemmed and my next project is the drapes/curtains for the house... I got a bunch of material at a blow out sale and it's just gorgeous but my sewing machine was acting up and I was getting big bunches of thread on the bottom of the material and nothing I did would correct it.. I finally figured out today that it was the thread and the tension... the thread was old and really cheap and kept breaking and jamming up in the needle... so I put in some good thread and decided to correct the tension...
Just a side note here* a woman at work that sews a lot told me never to touch the top tension.. she said that when she buys a new machine she leaves the tension the way it was when she bought it, she changes other things but always leaves the factory setting on the top tension... well, the factory setting on my machine was all the way one way and I couldn't see that working... but was afraid to touch it thinking that I would be doomed to never being able to sew properly again and my machine would be ruined... WRONG!!!! Never listen to so called "experts".. it's alway good to experiment.. and besides in the book that came with the machine (which, by the way, is in four different languages) it says to adjust everything depending on what you're doing but the directions on how to do that are not clear...
But I finally got it working by turning the top tension half way and like I said earlier, I replaced the cheap thread... now I can't wait to get going on the drapes... maybe next weekend.. oh no, next weekend I'll be out of province so that's out... but I will get to it... Promise.. and who knows.. maybe there will be pictures... lol..
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