I had to admit recently that I was wrong.. well, not wrong exactly, but mistaken, yeah that has a better ring to it.. mistaken. I don't see
wrong as a way to describe myself or my actions. I was told years ago that I was stubborn, yeah right, and passive-aggressive. Well the passive-aggressive one I can attribute to my late mother, she had the passive-aggressive thing down to a science. I remember her saying to my father on more than one occasion when they were having a disagreement "yeah, you're right, whatever." when they were arguing... meaning,
I'll agree with you just to shut you the fuck up... is that passive-aggressive?... hmmmm maybe. And the stubborn thing.. well, I was told that right before I got married to my now ex that I was stubborn and so was he and that we should work on that but what do young, early 20's people know about working on themselves, not much apparently because I couldn't see that trait in myself until many years later and that combined with passive-aggressive.. well, I pity my poor ex for having to deal with that from me, especially since I felt like the one put upon. But now, many years later, I can admit that I was mistaken, I would say that's progress, don't you think? Oh and the mistaken thing, I had to admit to Ron that CBC radio was better to listen to than the local radio station that had music from the 70's, 80's etc.. and it actually flexes my brain muscle... which is good at my age. So whenever I'm in the car driving to and from work I have the radio set to CBC radio and find the time passes so much more quickly.