Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Monday, January 09, 2017

Happy New Year!!! It's 2017

Well, Happy New Year, 2016 has been quite a year.  I'm one year older but none the wiser.  I turned quite a milestone last year.  I turned 65!  I can't believe I'm that old.  I don't feel a day over 45... really, I mean that, except of course when I feel ill, then I feel 100.   Hubby has turned 75 last year and that blows my mind.. I remember thinking that 50 was old, ancient even and now my kids are in their 40's.  Where has the time gone?  My mother-in-law turns 95 this Friday... I know that age is just a number and you are as old as you feel but wow.


Emily Shorette said...

If you have a minute, I'd like to introduce you to my blog "Emily's Virtual Rocket". This is a serious newsblog with a special emphasis on transgender issues. Almost every day, the newsblog is updated, so you can read the very latest..

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Emily Shorette

Biddie said...

If you are as only as old as you feel then I am in big trouble. Lol. I am 47, but feel much older most days!