Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

When I do something...

I realized that when I do something, I don't actually do it.. I over-do it. Like today, I decided to work in one of my flower beds and get rid of all the weeds and put down some black cedar mulch. I went out around 2 pm thinking that I'd work for a little while and then quit.. well a couple of hours later when I could hardly walk from the pain in my back I, or rather Ron, decided I should stop and give it a rest.. But I only have a little bit of mulch left in the bag I reasoned and was assured that it would be there in the morning if I can drag my carcass back outside to finish. It was a wonderful day today for working outside though, the ground was soft from all the ran we had, making it easier to pull out the nasty weeds and grass that grows better than my flowers and it was cool with a nice breeze and not too much sunlight peeking from behind the clouds so there were no bugs to speak of. Hopefully tomorrow brings similar weather.

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