Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The cuteness factor

We had the electricians in today to install our heavy wiring for our new electric heat and our dog, Tinka, a Pekingese/Shiatsu mix decided to do her Rambo impersonation.  At first she was cute with her charging the baby gate in the kitchen, yapping and generally being all macho.  And then she became a nuisance.  I'm not sure exactly what the tipping point was but there must be some kind of formula to determine where it occurred.   Something like [cuteness] by [ fluffiness] minus [dirty feet] divided by [sharpness of bark] by [% of sleep previous night] = [degree of irritation] / [cuteness factor] or something like that.


Rick Bettencourt said...

Yeah, I'm not quite sure what that tipping point is either but Bandit approaches it quite often.

Msjbelle said...

LOL~ My husband is an electrician and he hates lil yappy dogs but me I LOVE all dogs. He was just trying to protect his owner. But I guess after a while it can get draining. How sweet though:)