Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Last Night.....

Last night I took my friend out to eat and to a movie.. it was a lot of fun and the movie was light and funny... we hadn't gone anywhere special to eat but I enjoyed getting back together and catching up on how her and her family were doing.. but at the end of the night she did something that shocked me... she asked me if she could borrow $60.00... it felt so wrong on so many levels.. for one thing I have just recently been able to pull myself out of a money pit hell.. and she knows that... I took her out with money that I had saved.. and paid for everything, even the popcorn and pop at the movies (can you believe the ungodly prices they charge for a small popcorn and small pop nowadays.. !!)... I felt that it was almost a slap in the face for her to ask me that.. I politely refused but the silence for a while after that was deafening... I'm still a little shaken about the whole incident.. I know she must be hurting for money but still ... I wish she hadn't done that.. am I over reacting? It really left a bad taste in my mouth...

1 comment:

My adventures said...

it's the feeling of being used!!! your friend picked an inappropriate time to ask you... especially after you treated... i always tell people that it's ruined too many past friendships and it's a steadfast rule that i don't loan money to anyone...