Lets rewind to Thursday morning... and the good news..
My new computer arrrived ..
but.. now the bad news..
it doesn't work...
My son, who so graciously agreed to come over and set it up and network all our computers, tried in vain to get it working but it kept overheating and freezing up immediately... when it did work for the half a second before it refused to compute, it looked awesome.. but it kept freezing up.. the keyboard and mouse wouldn't work.. my man R was ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater... My son said it's a hardware problem.. so after repeated tries we called Future Shop and were informed that since it was bought over the internet and it was a net only deal that they would charge us to fix it .. hmmmmm... well my man went downstairs at this point (no doubt kicking the cat in the process)...
my son said let's call the online Future shop and explain the problems.. my son works at a call center for web design and knows a lot about computers and knows pretty well what's the matter with it (he says he thinks it's a bad cpu.. ??).. any way the guy from the help line said that that was probably the problem too and when we told him that the local Future Shop told us that they wouldn't fix it they said.. "oh no.. that's not true.. they are the registered repair people for the on line store".. and they also told him when we take the computer in today that if they give us a problem to call the company from the store and they will set them straight.. and if the company really gives me a problem that they will pay the shipping for us to ship the computer back to them for repairs..
so after work today off we will go to Future Shop and my son will come along and put on the serious-I-mean-business face (cause you know I'm a whimp when it comes to demanding service)...
So that's the whole sad story.. so I'm not too pleased with the whole thing.. but at least since I still have my old computer I'm not computerless until I get my new-not-so-shiny-in-my-eyes computer back.. hopefully working.. *big sigh*..
This also gives me a chance to transfer all my files that I want to keep over to my man's computer over the network because he has 80 gig of free space on his computer.. and once my new computer is hooked up and on the network I can transfer the files onto it.. a lot of file transfering but we'll get it done.. also my son is going to partition my computer so that I can have my files on part of the partition and programs on the other part...
Lets fast forward to Friday...
OK.. after only four hours sleep and almost falling asleep at my work station the day was finally over (I didn't get to bed until 1am this morning because of the problems with the computer and finally driving my son back into town) .. off we went to Future Shop.. my son, Chad, was very prepared ( we had the warranty, the shipping receipt and the phone number of the online help from the store) and he has the knowledge to back it up.. He explained the situation and what we had tried.. the guy that we talked to at first repeated what was said over the phone and Chad told him that he was sorry but he was mistaken and that he had talked to the On Line store and repeated what they had told him..
The guy said he'd have to check with the technitions and see what they said.. then he came back and asked if we had tried reinstalling the operating system and Chad said no that the computer wouldn't stay on for more than half a minute and there were no error messages so he knew it was a hardware problem and most likely a bad CPU.. the guy went back again and said that they could do the repairs on the computer since it was a desktop and that the type they couldn't repair was the laptops..
So we unpacked the computer and left the tower there and took the rest of the stuff back because they didn't want the keyboard, mouse, etc laying around because it could get lost or mixed up with other people's computer stuff.. and he said it's usually a week turn around time for repairs.. and if that's true then that really isn't bad at all..
I was so proud of my son, he handled the whole situation with calmness and grace.. he said later that there is no need to be screaming and shouting at the guy because he's not calling the shots.. he's just a clerk but he did say that if we wouldn't have gotten the results that we wanted we would have asked to speak to the manager.. So all's good and when the computer gets repaired Chad will be back out to complete the process.. thank goodness for children eh.. the parenting process is finally starting to pay off.. lol..
So lets sum it all up...
Well since I don't know a lot about computers and how they work I was a little upset.. more upset than mad.. but my son assured me that the problem is most likely fairly easy to fix and that once it is then I'll have one kickass computer.. and he's going to really put it through it's paces once we get it back to be sure it's all systems go or back to Future Shop it goes.. I've had experiences with cars where something went wrong and I sold it thinking it was a piece of junk and someone else bought it that knew about cars and fixed a minor problem and had it running like a top for years afterwards.. so I'll bow to my son's greater knowledge and hold off on my anger (and I usually don't get angry too often as a rule.. it's not how I operate)... will let you know how it goes in the weeks to come. *big sigh*... guess it's the waiting game all over again..
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