I took a snow day today.. and somehow I feel strangely guilty.. as if I SHOULD have risked life and limb to drag my sorry butt through the bitter cold and white outs to go to a job that is OK but it's not TO DIE FOR! if you get my drift.. get it .. drift.. phhhttt.. didn't see that one coming did you?... But I did attempt to go into work.. warmed up the car.. drove about a quarter of the way there and when it got to the point that I couldn't see two car lengths ahead of me I pulled into a service station and called work on my cell phone to say that I was turning around and going back home.. and now I'm looking out my window and thinking that it's not too bad out there.. but as R said.. we are in a sheltered area and it's a bad place to judge the weather... and the radio station says it's supposed to get worse, not better.. so I'll take the storm day, cozy up to the wood stove.. do some knitting (NO.. I'm not preggy.. I'm making my doggy a little sweater so that she doesn't freeze when R takes her for a walk.. ).. I have some sewing to do and I could do some house work if I'm desperate... lol..
I still don't have my computer back.. but they did say a week to fix it.. we'll see.. and I'll believe it when I see it...
I managed to get some before pictures of our den and it's the difference between night and day with the new papers on it.. I wish I had taken some pics of the master bedroom before we took the crappy wall paper off and painted it.. our house is really coming along and when it's done.. wowser.. it's going to be really wonderful.. I liked the house the first time we saw it but now I really love it ... pictures to follow...
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