Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I'm awaiting the arrival of my new shiny computer.. I can't wait because the one I have now is dragging along on one microchip.. or whatever you call it.. R's not too thrilled about me buying a brand new computer just to do poser with and feels that if I clear out some of the stuff from my present one I should be ok.. (never mind that he got a new shiny computer a few months ago while I have had to contend with a 6 year old one.. *that's 198 in human years!!!*)... but after all it's my money and it's not like we go out and do anything so I feel like I'm working just to pay the bills so a new computer is the least I can do for myself.. I also told him that if I get a new computer it will work faster and I will not have to spend so much time on it.. *I'm not completely convinced that he bought it*... So I'm playing the waiting game with FutureShop.. wanna wait with me?..

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