Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Sunday, February 18, 2007

LandDesigner... a piece of crap!!!!

A couple of years ago we got this "wonderful" program called LandDesigner that is supposed to allow you to do a 3D version of your property with all the buildings on it and create wonderful gardens, you can even put a real photo of your house and drag and drop photos of real plants and shrubs into the design and see how it would look without having to dig up your yard, it even is supposed to have a buying guide to track the costs of the various plants etc.. and it is also supposed to have a calendar to keep track of all the things you're supposed to do in each season for your plants and when each is supposed to bloom in your area etc.. and you are supposed to be able to walk around in your 3d design... *notice the "supposed to"?*... well, sounds great in theory and since I have my new whiz bang computer with all the bells and whistles I thought I would break the cd set out and give it a whirl, so to speak..

I got the program loaded and proceeded to go through the first part of the program, laying out the lot dimensions and adding buildings etc.. got the layout done, put the house on the lot, and then tried to go to the next step which is to add barns and other features.. well that's the point where the program went belly up on me... and it did it over and over again at that point... can you say piece of crap??!!! I was so pissed off I could spit... hrrrumph... Oh well, back to the paper and pencil to design my new wonder garden I guess...


My adventures said...

i've always found it cheaper to drive around the rich part of town and see what the professionals have done for the rich folks and then do it at my house... is that wrong??? oh well, sue me!!! lol...

Kat said...

Yes, ... it is.. it's wrong.. very very wrong.. you're my kinda guy.. kissy kissy... Kathryn