Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Cleanup

It's amazing the amount of garbage that people throw out of their vehicles.  How can someone do that, I mean, seriously?   Once the snow melted we could see the amount of garbage the accumulated under the snow, it's shameful.  In fact Ron took some garbage bags on his walk and was able to gather up a few dozen bottles that we can take in to the recycling center to get the deposit amount.  Granted, since we no longer have glass bottles the amount of the deposit it extremely small but that shouldn't matter.  Where is people's pride in their province?   Soon it will be the roadside cleanup and the ditches will be clean again for another little while, but why should we have to clean up other peoples discarded bottles, coffee cups and even used diapers??!!!  Do we go into their homes and throw our garbage around?  Well enough whining from me.. lol.

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