Excuse me as I empty my mind of all the "stuff" that's presently clogging it.. you tell me if it makes sense.. I write to express myself.. what comes to mind is out of my mind and on the screen.. I never said it needed to make sense.
Out of My Mind
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Summer memories...
Summer to me meant playing Red Rover, marbles in the dirt, hop scotch, picnics on the beach (my older sister cooked a hamburger soup with sea water that was to die for.. I think the salt air sharpened our appetites.. you wouldn't dare use sea water to cook nowadays would you?), hide and seek, standing under a tree in a lightening storm (what were we thinking?), the stange light after a freak storm, making mud pies with flower for decorations (yummy), the smell of clothes dried in the sun, swimming in the warm Atlantic waters until our fingers were all wrinkly and then dripping water on our protesting parents as they lay in the sun on a blanket... ahhh summer.
Wow.. time sure flies when you're living your life...

The last time I checked in with you I was waiting for the call from the hospital about the catscan.. well they called and I went in and fortunately the stones have passed although it took a few days for the infection to go because of the grinding and scraping of the stones on the way out.. I know ... owwwy... and it was quite painful. But all better now..
I have started walking with my sister L. once again.. I'm on the quest for weight loss.. joined Weight Watchers.. have a bunch of weight to lose and I need to be going to the meetings in order to keep myself honest (with myself most of all). I lost 4.4 lbs the first week and 2.4 pounds that second week for a total of 6.8 pounds in two weeks. I'm suspecting that I won't have lost any weight this week for some reason. Well, I know what the reason is, I haven't been keeping track of my points on paper, just in my head, and you know how that can get.... Oh well, we'll see how much, if any, I've lost on Wednesday when I go to the meeting and if I lost, great.. if I didn't I'll get strict with keeping a points book.. otherwise I'll just keep going as I am.. I should try the core plan where you can only eat certain foods but you don't have to keep track of points. I'll keep you informed of how I do.
I've been trying to get my heart shaped garden all weeded out.. why is it that grass can grow so well in my garden but not so well on the lawn where you want it to grow?.. although this year the lawn is doing better as well... As you can see by the photos above, I've been working up the edge of the garden so that the rocks show around the edges. The rocks were buried under grass and so you couldn't tell where the edge of the garden was and the lawn began. I'm a bit stiff from working on the garden and my wrists are a bit sore from using the garden weasle.. but I now have it 2/3 of the way done and it's coming along really well... will post photos once it's all done...
Monday, May 14, 2007
Waiting for the call...
I'm waiting for the call from the hospital... I'm hoping that the stone/s have passed through and that I'm on the mend.. I know they caused some irritation in my kidney because of the pain and the fact that I'm on antibiotics... and when you're diabetic one of the worse things you can hear is that there's a problem with your kidneys... so for a few days I was running blind with fear... that on top of the pain... but the pain is easing so that I don't have to constantly be on the tylenol and have been able to go for longer periods awake which is good.. so I guess I'm on the mend... here's crossing my fingers that the stones passed when I was sleeping... and zonked out on pain killers...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Oh.. by the way.. I'm still on Weight Watchers...
Even through the pain I'm still doing well... in fact I'm feeling ill and don't feel like eating too much any way... it's an ill wind that doesn't blow some good your way... lol..
Not sore from being out of shape....
Well, on Friday I went to work still feeling sore.. I had been thinking it was a pulled muscle but it really didn't feel like one (I've had pulled muscles before so I can recognise them).. for one thing it didn't hurt to move in different directions but it hurt like hell if I took a deep breath... well as I said I went to work but around noon time I was so sore, sick and with such a headache that I decided I had better call my doctor to see if she could squeese me in.. well, I discovered my doctor doesn't work on Fridays and the walk in clinics were closed but I was feeling so rotten that I had to do something and that something was to face the probable all day wait at the emergency room at the hospital..
The pain was in the right side about mid way down... and since I'm a diabetic and had a brother how lost his kidneys to a disease that could be genetic I decided that it was worth the wait.. all in all it took about 5 hours and the doctor sent me for xrays and took a urine sample... turns out I have kidney stone... and DAMN they hurt.. the doctor said I also have a low grade fever probably caused by infection starting in my kidney from the stones... the xrays weren't 100% positive so he said the hospital will contact me in a couple of days to come in for a scan to determine exactly what I have... well I can tell you it's stones... owwwwyyyy...
But worse than the pain from the stones (I shouldn't say worse because that pain is horrendous) is how sick I get from taking Tylenol3 with codine and antibiotics... this is one sore, sick puppy.. do you all feel sorry for me now?
The pain was in the right side about mid way down... and since I'm a diabetic and had a brother how lost his kidneys to a disease that could be genetic I decided that it was worth the wait.. all in all it took about 5 hours and the doctor sent me for xrays and took a urine sample... turns out I have kidney stone... and DAMN they hurt.. the doctor said I also have a low grade fever probably caused by infection starting in my kidney from the stones... the xrays weren't 100% positive so he said the hospital will contact me in a couple of days to come in for a scan to determine exactly what I have... well I can tell you it's stones... owwwwyyyy...
But worse than the pain from the stones (I shouldn't say worse because that pain is horrendous) is how sick I get from taking Tylenol3 with codine and antibiotics... this is one sore, sick puppy.. do you all feel sorry for me now?
Friday, May 11, 2007
Day 3 and counting... lol...
I got through today without breaking my diet.. made for sure I had enough food on hand that I could eat.. but unfortunately my back is killing me so no walk today.. I'm not sure what the problem is, but when you're out of shape like I am you can easily pull a muscle and I believe that is what I did yesterday by walking for too long.. I really should have eased into it but being the all or nothing person I am I decided to walk for an hour... now my body is protesting and I wasn't able to go for my walk today at all (but since it's after 1 am I guess that would be yesterday).. I went to bed right after supper to rest and didn't get up until around 11 pm so I'm awake, sore and thinking I really should get back to bed...
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Day Two of Weight Watchers
Ohhhh Gawwwwd I was hungry today... so on the way home I picked up some fruit and some salad makings.. tomorrow I'm not going to let myself get so danged hungry... I've been walking yesterday and this morning and boy am I sore.. my back is killing me.. so tomorrow I'll have to take it easy or I'll be twice as sore.. it sure sucks getting old!!!.. but I keep thinking that if I can get some of this excess weight off that I will be a lot less sore... well I'm off to do some more reading of the material I got on the Monday night meeting... and will be making a grocery list for when we go grocery shopping on Friday or Saturday... bbye for now.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Got the dreaded call from the doctor...
I went in for blood tests at the doctor's office a couple of weeks ago and when I went back a week later the results some of my blood tests came back and my overall blood sugar totals for the 3 month time frame was 7.4.. in the high normal and my doctor said she'd call me when she got the rest of the results back only if there was something that needed to be addressed.. well, yesterday I got the call. I have to go and see her to go over the final results and I have a feeling it's not because I'm doing so great.. so before I go to see the doctor I'm going to join Weight Watchers yet again.. I did well the last time I joined and lost around 12 to 13 pounds and then we bought this house in the country and I couldn't afford the cost of the meetings.. now we're in a better place financially and I figure if I can get down to my goal weight of 135 to 140 then I can probably get off most of my diabetes medications and save there plus once you're on maintenance you don't have to pay to go to the monthly meetings.. so an initial cost will translate in to savings in money and health... a win win situation.. and R's good at being willing to eat healthy with me and so that's half the battle.. so wish me luck.
Friday, May 04, 2007
*yawn*.. is it morning yet????
I went to bed at a quarter to 8 last night to read and thought that I'd get a couple of hours reading before I fell asleep.... wrong!! I was asleep by 8pm and couldn't drag myself out of bed when my daughter called at 9pm... also had a hard time getting up at 5:30, my usual wakeup time, so I hit the snooze until almost 6 am... As my late mother used to say "I must have needed the sleep.. ".. well duh. Why the hell do I feel like crap this morning after all that sleep.. or is it because of all that sleep?
Speaking about my mother.. she used to ask my why I never wanted to go to bed.. and I think she hit the nail on the head when she questioned.. "Are you afraid you might miss something?".. I'm like that ... I'm afraid I might miss life as it whizzes by when I'm asleep.. I guess I want to live every minute and not waste it sleeping... Living in the country I usually try to get up between 5:30 and 6:00 each morning but when I sometimes have to force myself to go to bed by 10 0r 11 pm.. that doesn't make for a lot of sleep...
Speaking about my mother.. she used to ask my why I never wanted to go to bed.. and I think she hit the nail on the head when she questioned.. "Are you afraid you might miss something?".. I'm like that ... I'm afraid I might miss life as it whizzes by when I'm asleep.. I guess I want to live every minute and not waste it sleeping... Living in the country I usually try to get up between 5:30 and 6:00 each morning but when I sometimes have to force myself to go to bed by 10 0r 11 pm.. that doesn't make for a lot of sleep...
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