The last time I checked in with you I was waiting for the call from the hospital about the catscan.. well they called and I went in and fortunately the stones have passed although it took a few days for the infection to go because of the grinding and scraping of the stones on the way out.. I know ... owwwy... and it was quite painful. But all better now..
I have started walking with my sister L. once again.. I'm on the quest for weight loss.. joined Weight Watchers.. have a bunch of weight to lose and I need to be going to the meetings in order to keep myself honest (with myself most of all). I lost 4.4 lbs the first week and 2.4 pounds that second week for a total of 6.8 pounds in two weeks. I'm suspecting that I won't have lost any weight this week for some reason. Well, I know what the reason is, I haven't been keeping track of my points on paper, just in my head, and you know how that can get.... Oh well, we'll see how much, if any, I've lost on Wednesday when I go to the meeting and if I lost, great.. if I didn't I'll get strict with keeping a points book.. otherwise I'll just keep going as I am.. I should try the core plan where you can only eat certain foods but you don't have to keep track of points. I'll keep you informed of how I do.
I've been trying to get my heart shaped garden all weeded out.. why is it that grass can grow so well in my garden but not so well on the lawn where you want it to grow?.. although this year the lawn is doing better as well... As you can see by the photos above, I've been working up the edge of the garden so that the rocks show around the edges. The rocks were buried under grass and so you couldn't tell where the edge of the garden was and the lawn began. I'm a bit stiff from working on the garden and my wrists are a bit sore from using the garden weasle.. but I now have it 2/3 of the way done and it's coming along really well... will post photos once it's all done...
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