Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Got the dreaded call from the doctor...

I went in for blood tests at the doctor's office a couple of weeks ago and when I went back a week later the results some of my blood tests came back and my overall blood sugar totals for the 3 month time frame was 7.4.. in the high normal and my doctor said she'd call me when she got the rest of the results back only if there was something that needed to be addressed.. well, yesterday I got the call. I have to go and see her to go over the final results and I have a feeling it's not because I'm doing so great.. so before I go to see the doctor I'm going to join Weight Watchers yet again.. I did well the last time I joined and lost around 12 to 13 pounds and then we bought this house in the country and I couldn't afford the cost of the meetings.. now we're in a better place financially and I figure if I can get down to my goal weight of 135 to 140 then I can probably get off most of my diabetes medications and save there plus once you're on maintenance you don't have to pay to go to the monthly meetings.. so an initial cost will translate in to savings in money and health... a win win situation.. and R's good at being willing to eat healthy with me and so that's half the battle.. so wish me luck.

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