Well, on Friday I went to work still feeling sore.. I had been thinking it was a pulled muscle but it really didn't feel like one (I've had pulled muscles before so I can recognise them).. for one thing it didn't hurt to move in different directions but it hurt like hell if I took a deep breath... well as I said I went to work but around noon time I was so sore, sick and with such a headache that I decided I had better call my doctor to see if she could squeese me in.. well, I discovered my doctor doesn't work on Fridays and the walk in clinics were closed but I was feeling so rotten that I had to do something and that something was to face the probable all day wait at the emergency room at the hospital..
The pain was in the right side about mid way down... and since I'm a diabetic and had a brother how lost his kidneys to a disease that could be genetic I decided that it was worth the wait.. all in all it took about 5 hours and the doctor sent me for xrays and took a urine sample... turns out I have kidney stone... and DAMN they hurt.. the doctor said I also have a low grade fever probably caused by infection starting in my kidney from the stones... the xrays weren't 100% positive so he said the hospital will contact me in a couple of days to come in for a scan to determine exactly what I have... well I can tell you it's stones... owwwwyyyy...
But worse than the pain from the stones (I shouldn't say worse because that pain is horrendous) is how sick I get from taking Tylenol3 with codine and antibiotics... this is one sore, sick puppy.. do you all feel sorry for me now?
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