This weekend is gonna be hot and humid, love the heat, the humid I could do without.. but at least the rain stopped for a while. And all creepy crawly crab spiders called Freddy aside (David I decided to name it Frederick, Freddy for short, sort of suits him/her.. phhtt), I think it's gonna be a garden day tomorrow.
I've gotten back to my painting and have the base of a welcome rock done.. I'll be glad to get them done and out of the way.. I'm hoping that they don't want any more done because I want to get the horse portrait finished.. I'm such a procrastinator because if I really wanted to I could be doing the protrait and the pencil sketches I was planning on doing even without the rocks finished but in my block of a head I feel that I have to do the commissions first before I attempt the other stuff I have to do (which I started right after Christmas..).. now where is the logic in that and how productive is that?... not... can you say AVOIDANCE?... I'm such a dweeb when it comes to these things.. I have no amount of order in my life and no consistancy at least not in my home life (where it really counts after all because my life is where I live and work is where I ... well, work)...
I have completely given up going for walks with my sister because it would mean leaving at 6 fuckin' 30 in the morning to be in town for 7 ish to get at least 45 minutes of walking in before I have to go to work.. so that means getting up earlier than the 5 am that I get up now in order to get my bath, breakfast, grooming and making my lunch all jammed in not to mention having at least one cup of coffee to get my eyes open... I was doing it earlier in the spring but at least it was only for every third week but now it would be every week day.. and I'm sorry but I could be sleeping for that extra half hour to forty five minutes so my growing gut be damned.. I need some energy in the evening after work to keep R company and without having to go to bed before 9....
We're trying for a reclassification of our job, actually we're trying for a whole new classification from what we're classified at now and it's going to be a lot of work.. we have to break every service we provide down to every step in the process and with 198 services that's going to be one hell of a lot of work .. and the union guy told us to shoot for the end of the month to have it ready.. so it's going to mean on our own time because there's no way that we'll have the time to do it while waiting on 400 customers and learning the new computer program... ain't gonna happen... so I took some manuals home to write everything out ... but doubt that I'll get much done but at least I can be looking over the papers to see where we can break the stuff down into managable bits so that we can distribute amoungst the staff to work on.. we don't want to be duplicating the shit and waste more time than we need to ...
Well, at least it's Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow, how pathetic is that?...
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