Excuse me as I empty my mind of all the "stuff" that's presently clogging it.. you tell me if it makes sense.. I write to express myself.. what comes to mind is out of my mind and on the screen.. I never said it needed to make sense.
Out of My Mind
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Work in progress in my other blog
I have a link back to a provious post but I'm working on a painting in my other blog called The Creative Life of Kathryn and I plan on having it done by the end of August, or perhaps earlier.
getting better every day....
This old body is recovering nicely, thank you for asking... my neck is mostly ok now but my right arm is a bit stiff, I think it's from overcompensating the last couple of days.. but it looks good for going back to work tomorrow... big whoop...
Over the last few weeks I've taken the time to sit down and type out all the services we provide, the departments we provide services for etc, and the numbers are astounding.. we provide over 200 services for 20 seperate government departments and 28 or so divisions.. we provide services for 7000 customers and we take in from 100, 000 to close to a million dollars every month in our office alone... that freakin' blows my mind.. and we're very much underpaid for what we do.. the reason we were getting all this information together was because we are trying to be reclassified.. granted we're getting paid a lot more than the private sector here in this province but they keep heaping on new duties without raising our rate of pay and I don't think that's right... we should be ready to present this information to the board in a couple of weeks.. and if it doesn't create some change I know a lot of people whose morale is going to be rock bottom.. and a few who may end up going on stress leave soon.. not that the money would releave the stress that much but at least it may attract more people to want to work in our department if our wages matched the work done... we'll see how that goes...
Over the last few weeks I've taken the time to sit down and type out all the services we provide, the departments we provide services for etc, and the numbers are astounding.. we provide over 200 services for 20 seperate government departments and 28 or so divisions.. we provide services for 7000 customers and we take in from 100, 000 to close to a million dollars every month in our office alone... that freakin' blows my mind.. and we're very much underpaid for what we do.. the reason we were getting all this information together was because we are trying to be reclassified.. granted we're getting paid a lot more than the private sector here in this province but they keep heaping on new duties without raising our rate of pay and I don't think that's right... we should be ready to present this information to the board in a couple of weeks.. and if it doesn't create some change I know a lot of people whose morale is going to be rock bottom.. and a few who may end up going on stress leave soon.. not that the money would releave the stress that much but at least it may attract more people to want to work in our department if our wages matched the work done... we'll see how that goes...
Friday, July 28, 2006
owwww my neck hurts
Well, I thought that I was going to be heading off to work today, but when the alarm rang this morning I rolled over to turn it off and when I got 2/3 of the way over and was reaching out my hand I suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot up from my neck to the top of my head and down my side to my hip, My neck is now locked, I took some Tylenol even tho I'm not supposed to because of my ulcer and I'm using heat even tho it;s hot in here this AM. And it's hard typing with one hand so I'll stop now.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
It's over
I'm back from the hospital, rested up and had my first full meal.. and the news was good .. with the colonoscopy the doctor found no polyps, no inflamation and best of all, no cancer.. whew... and the gastroscopy did find inflamation and he gave me a perscription for that and wants to see me in October for a follow up in that regards.. so if I keep feeling well tomorrow then I'll be off to work but it's a Friday so even if I feel weak it's only for one day so I think I can handle it..
I had a weak spell waiting for the doctor to come in and give me the results but once I got home and had some soup (I know, more soup but at least this was chicken noodle with a bit of substance to it) and I slept for around three hours and now I'm feeling back to normal... so thankfully I won't be talking about bm's or that stuff now. And that stuff they give you to kill the pain and so you don't remember didn't completely work because I remember a lot of pain... but at least it's over, for now anyway...
I had a weak spell waiting for the doctor to come in and give me the results but once I got home and had some soup (I know, more soup but at least this was chicken noodle with a bit of substance to it) and I slept for around three hours and now I'm feeling back to normal... so thankfully I won't be talking about bm's or that stuff now. And that stuff they give you to kill the pain and so you don't remember didn't completely work because I remember a lot of pain... but at least it's over, for now anyway...
today's the day
Well, today's the day... all the purging and fasting is done, well the purging anyway.. my stomach is talking again.. but I think it's just grumbling because the test isn't until 10 AM... and that's 2 and 1/2 hours from now... we leave for the hospital in about 1 and 1/2 hours (need to be there 1/2 hour before the procedure in order for them to prep me).. A bit nervous.. but all in all I think I'll survive the wait... at least I'm not full of shit anymore....lol..
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
day two almost done
The second day of cleansing and purging is almost over.. my stomach is talking to me all the time.. goading me into eating something solid.. like new potatoes and pork.. yeah I can almost taste it .... mmmm PEI new potatoes ... STOP!!! STOP!!... OK I think I'll be alright now.. tomorrow is the big day.. the day of the enema.. oooo can't wait.. have you ever noticed that when you have to go two and a half days without solid food that 9 out of 10 commercials on TV are about food?... interesting phenomenon that is... I should be at the hospital from 9:30 until about noon.. I wonder if they'll feed me.. seems to me that the last time they didn't.... bastards... I'm trying not to think of all the possible problems that could have caused the symptoms that warranted this procedure.. gotta think positive.. probably just a polyp... just a polyp that's been bleeding since February.. yeah.. that's it.. but then again.. I do tend to dramatize things a bit.. so maybe it is nothing.. that's what I'm telling myself till told otherwise..
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The cleansing has begun..
First day of my bowel cleansing and fasting.. *sorry to any of you that are in the process of having breakfast, on second thought, since my breakfast consisted of jello and water - fuck you*.. I had big plans for today and tomorrow but found out that if any of my plans consisted of doing anything farther than 10 steps from either bathroom they're out... ain't life a bitch?...
Monday, July 24, 2006
Do you have dreams that you have over and over again?... in some way do you think that these dreams have some kind of deep meaning and that perhaps they will come true?.. I had a dream last night that I've been having for years, I dreamt that when I left my car in an unfamiliar part of town (I don't think it was here tho' because there are no unfamiliar parts of town because the town's so small).. anyway, I parked my car in a deserted parking lot and went to the doctor's office and when I came back there were a bunch of guys around the car and they had a tow truck and some other vehicles, I was going to go over and get in my car but I just had a bad feeling about it and thought that they might hurt me and decided to call the police on my cell phone instead. As I watched they were talking about how their girlfriends would like the car and I was thinking "it's a 1995 Tercel guys, give me a break, steal something better than that"... and for some reason I had to move where I couldn't see them and when I moved bach my car was gone and I was thinking "how the hell am I going to get home?"... it was the worst feeling in the world. Oh and btw, the police never did show up. I don't know why I keep getting this dream but I seem to have it a lot. Weird eh.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Wow are my fingers tired!
It seems like I've been typing forever, I've taken today as a full day of getting our work duties down on paper for our application for a reclassification. I'll fill you in on the number of departments and divisions we have to do work for as well as the number of duties/services involved, I think that even I'll be surprised in the end when all the numbers are crunched. We may not get any results from all the work but at least it's worth a try. I volunteered to do the typing at home because I knew that we'd never get it done at work because we barely have time to breathe much less work on extra work relating to a reclassification which I'm sure management isn't too keen on us trying for (they talk the talk about how they support us but in the end they don't walk the walk).
Since I'll be off for three days next week, at least, that will give me time to refine the work and give it a more polished, consistant look. and maybe the following week I can talk the staff into having another meeting after work to go over other areas that I'm not sure how to fill in the blanks.
We had the tail end of a tropical storm yesterday and stupid me forgot to close the upstairs window before we went to get groceries and the floor was all wet from the rain being blown in. I find it awfully hot today but I'm not sure if it's just me or not. I'm not a real big fan of hot weather, or should I say hot muggy weather but I know our temps are cool compared to some other places so I really shouldn't complain to much but who am I kidding, I love to complain.. lol.
Since I'll be off for three days next week, at least, that will give me time to refine the work and give it a more polished, consistant look. and maybe the following week I can talk the staff into having another meeting after work to go over other areas that I'm not sure how to fill in the blanks.
We had the tail end of a tropical storm yesterday and stupid me forgot to close the upstairs window before we went to get groceries and the floor was all wet from the rain being blown in. I find it awfully hot today but I'm not sure if it's just me or not. I'm not a real big fan of hot weather, or should I say hot muggy weather but I know our temps are cool compared to some other places so I really shouldn't complain to much but who am I kidding, I love to complain.. lol.
Monday, July 17, 2006
You Learn Something New Every Day...
I didn't realise that if you clicked on the pictures here that it enlarges them to their original size.. who'd a' guessed?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The wedding went well
The wedding went off well, the weather was wonderful and I got misty a few times because they had a slide show of them growing up.. it was so cute and touching.. they are only around 30 years old and they have been dating for 14 years, have lived together for a year and are so very much in love.. in this day and age it's so good to see.. and the meal was only an hour late .. good thing a few of us went to the bar between the time of the wedding and the meal (a 3 hour span of time) and had some munchies... the meal was wonderful and during the meal instead of clicking glasses to get them to kiss the master of ceremonies said there was a wheel that people were to spin and perform some kind of trick before they would kiss.. some of the things were walk like a duck, ride a tricycle, sing a song, or donate money to the cancer society (they had family members die of cancer).. all in all it was fun and very cute.. but during the wedding ceremony I almost lost it because on the back of the booklet they had made up saying who was in the church service the groom had put this to his late mother..
"My Wedding Day Wishes For My Mom"
If the sun is high and bright on my wedding day
I know that you have made it so, you want it just that way.
The warmth of your love will flood from you along with the heat of the sun;
sharing that wonderful moment with us, a day filled with bliss and fun.
But if the rain is pouring down, I'll know that they are tears from you,
though within your heart's heart you smile.
Sorrow because you cant be here, to see your son a joyful groom.
Mother I hope you're happy for me, that I fill your heart with pride.
I'd like the day to start warm and bright, 'til my love and I wed,
then the tiniest of heaven's tears to fall upon the wedding party's heads,
then for the sun to return again as the photographs are took
and I'd know for sure you'd be watching me and to heaven I would look.
Oh My Gawd.. I'm breaking down typing this.. sentimental old fool that I am...
On a lighter note.. the bride mistakenly put the grooms ring on the wrong hand.. and she said after the ceremony outside "Do you think it's still legal?"... too cute..
"My Wedding Day Wishes For My Mom"
If the sun is high and bright on my wedding day
I know that you have made it so, you want it just that way.
The warmth of your love will flood from you along with the heat of the sun;
sharing that wonderful moment with us, a day filled with bliss and fun.
But if the rain is pouring down, I'll know that they are tears from you,
though within your heart's heart you smile.
Sorrow because you cant be here, to see your son a joyful groom.
Mother I hope you're happy for me, that I fill your heart with pride.
I'd like the day to start warm and bright, 'til my love and I wed,
then the tiniest of heaven's tears to fall upon the wedding party's heads,
then for the sun to return again as the photographs are took
and I'd know for sure you'd be watching me and to heaven I would look.
Oh My Gawd.. I'm breaking down typing this.. sentimental old fool that I am...
On a lighter note.. the bride mistakenly put the grooms ring on the wrong hand.. and she said after the ceremony outside "Do you think it's still legal?"... too cute..
Saturday, July 15, 2006
I'm without Tylenol for 5 days now.. and "knock on wood" I'm not too bad yet.. although I did get quite sore when we went grocery shopping last night.. we'll see how well I fare at the wedding, etc.. the wedding's at 3, and the meal is at 6:30.. (with coffee drinking and snacking in between to kill time)... but the temperature is only supposed to go up to 21degrees.. I'll believe that when I see it.. I was going to do some weeding of my gardens this weekend but it looks like that ain't gonna happen because I won't have time today and I sure ain't gonna do it tomorrow on my birthday.. sheesh...
Friday, July 14, 2006
My weekend to come...
I'm going to a wedding tomorrow, a coworker is getting married and invited me to the wedding, dinner and dance.. problem is that she didn't invite our mates to the dinner because she only could invite a limited number of people.. our mates could come to the wedding and dance though but R's not really interested because he doesn't know a lot of people.. and that I can understand because I'm not much of a party person myself but since she invited me and she's a sweet girl I decided to go although I'm not staying for the dance.. we all chipped in at work and got her a couple of things.. not sure what so I'll be doing the "ahh nice" thing along with her when she opens them.. (Do they open the gifts at the reception or later at home?.. I forget). It promises to be fun and I hope it's not too hot...
Sunday's my birthday and we're going to be spending the day at home.. my choice.. we bought this house in the country three years ago and I remembered thinking that it's sooo far from town that I'd feel isolated but I love living here.. I work with the public everyday and it's a real effort once I get home to go back out again for anything.. I know, I'm pathetic and sad.. but I'd rather rest, regroup and rejuvenate at home...
Sunday's my birthday and we're going to be spending the day at home.. my choice.. we bought this house in the country three years ago and I remembered thinking that it's sooo far from town that I'd feel isolated but I love living here.. I work with the public everyday and it's a real effort once I get home to go back out again for anything.. I know, I'm pathetic and sad.. but I'd rather rest, regroup and rejuvenate at home...
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Another day.. another outlook on life...

Back to work today, I'm no longer on the Tylenol Arthritis and thought for sure that I'd be crippled with pain.. but gratefully not.. and I think I'm going to be ok in that area at least for the time being..
I took some pics of my flower gardens and my Lilies are in bloom.. all colors and sizes.. I just love them because they are so perfectly shaped. Today they were covered with water drops and the color was very intense under an overcast sky.. not washed out like it sometimes can be in bright sunlight.. and in the last picture my cat is doing her daily ritual of walking along the stones placing each delicate foot precisely in front of the other... I'm sure she rustles around in the centre of the garden when I'm not looking but if I don't see it it didn't happen.. (humor me ok..)...
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I'm so tired lately...
Stress does terrible things to your body.. I'm tired all the time.. have aches and pains... can't sleep or if I do get to sleep I don't want to wake up.. I'm sitting here with a headache and I can't keep my eyes open and it's not even 9PM... makes me feel so old.. and I have no energy to do anything... fuck I hate feeling like this... now I gotta go lie down for a few hours before my head hits the keys... later...
Friday, July 07, 2006
some of my sketches are on my other blog...
I'll leave this one for my rambling commentaries and the other blog.. The Creative Life of Kathryn for putting my paintings, drawings etc.. check it out
Sunday, July 02, 2006
It's another milestone..
R and I have been together 5 years as of Canada Day, so to celebrate we get to witness fireworks every year.. pretty neat eh? It feels sort of surreal that we've been living together so long .. in one way it feels like it's still so new and in other ways it seems like we've been together forever. Five years isn't bad for a relationship that started as a one night stand/roll in the hay. I would have to say that we've been pretty compatable since day one and since our likes and dislikes match to a tee then I think that I'll keep the old geezer... Yesterday we went to the Historic Village that's next to our place and saw the animals, the sheep were pretty interested in Missy.. might have thought that she was one of their own... lol.. I also get some wonderful shots of horses that would make nice pencil sketches...

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